Crysal Olds

Mind over Matter

When she had her first child in 2014, Crysal Olds discovered a lack in awareness around the shift into parenthood. Her passion for supporting mothers in this lifelong transition was ignited. Since then, and inline with her own journey, she has been supporting mothers in healing themselves and becoming the parent they want to be, to strengthen the relationship between mother and child, through mindful/respectful parenting workshops and body-centred work.

In letting go of how we think we should be as a parent and how we think our children should be, we open the way for co-creating a rich and curious life with our little ones filled with unconditional love, compassion and non-judgment. To do this though, we must first heal ourselves. Until we heal our past hurts, we continue to think, act, and see, from a place of hurt.

Crysal has qualifications in Psychology and Criminology, Teaching Mindfulness, Spiritual Healing, Past Life Regression, and Holistic Pulsing and draws on all of these qualifications as well as the many other personal growth techniques she has encountered over the years – shadow work, inner-child work, respectful parenting, essential oils, chakra work and chanelling.

Crysal Olds - Mind Over Matter