Introduction to Mindfulness Workshop
Are you curious about Mindfulness? Then come and join me at the next Introduction to Mindfulness Workshop.

Mindfulness can help:
- Train the brain.
- Increase creativity.
- Give deeper meaning to life.
- Reduce stress & anxiety.
- Regulate eating habits.
- Improve relationships.
- Reduce depression.
- Reduce chronic pain.
- Control addiction.
- Increase happiness.
During the workshop we will be focusing on:
- Our well worn life patterns.
- How to change our thoughts and behaviour to disrupt these old patterns and become aware of them.
- Bring in new thoughts that serve us.
- How to see the world with new eyes.
- Stress and how to work with it.
- How to experience what is right in front of us.
- A renewed relationship with our body.
- How our body experiences the world.
- Acceptance of what is.
- Self-compassion, kindness and curiosity.
- Awareness of what is.
- Energy
Workshop Details
The workshop will run for 6 weeks during Wednesday evenings 7-8.30pm
Investment is $148 (includes workbook and access to recorded meditations).
Next workshop runs in August 2021
Venue is Natural Living Yoga Studio, Founders Park, Nelson
“I am feeling more positive about me and more accepting of myself”
“A good way to stop your snowballing thoughts/actions & learn to be kind to yourself and non-judgemental”