What is Mindfulness

Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way:
- On purpose
- To what is happening now, right in front of you
- And with attitudes like curiosity, kindness, acceptance
What does this mean?
Well, essentially it means we train our minds to pay attention to particular things so that it doesn’t run away on us without us consciously knowing. We bring conscious attention to what is happening within us and within our environment, right now, right in front of us, and we do this with attitudes of curiosity – oh, that’s interesting, I wonder why/if/when….; kindness – how can I best take care of myself in this situation; acceptance – it’s ok to be feeling this way right now.
So, notice the word train….. many of us aren’t currently wired in the ways of curiosity, kindness and acceptance – particularly with ourselves. Mindfulness gives us the tools to get back in touch with our genuine love based self.
Mindfulness can help:
- Train the brain.
- Increase creativity.
- Give deeper meaning to life.
- Reduce stress & anxiety.
- Regulate eating habits.
- Improve relationships.
- Reduce depression.
- Reduce chronic pain.
- Control addiction.
- Increase happiness.
Here are some simple mindfulness meditations for you to wet your appetite for this insightful and empowering practice.
If you want to bring your mindfulness practise to life, Hakomi therapy offers the opportunity to study ones-self through mindfulness. Get in touch to find out more or book a session.
Mind over Matter Workshops
If you enjoyed the free meditations and would like to learn and practice with more guidance, please take a look at our workshops and request more information.
Introduction to Mindfulness Workshop
Are you curious about Mindfulness? Then join me at the next Introduction to Mindfulness Workshop.
Wellbeing for Parents Workshop
Do you ever find yourself parenting like your parents, when you said you wouldn’t?
Please contact me if you are interested in attending a workshop.
The Mindful Way Through Stress Course
Would you like to gain awareness and insight of how stress affects your life, and how to reduce stress using Mindfulness techniques and ways of being?