by Crysal Olds | Aug 12, 2019 | Leadership Development, Mind Body Therapy, Mindful parenting, Mindful Parenting, Mindfulness
An old Bhuddist fable There was once a pair of acrobats. The teacher was a poor widower and the student was a young girl by the name of Meda. These acrobats performed each day on the streets in order to earn enough to eat. Their act consisted of the teacher balancing...
by Crysal Olds | May 23, 2014 | Leadership Development
Have you ever felt like you are hitting your head against a brick wall? It could be because you are trying to control the outcome. I am new to motherhood and learning the art of parenthood. Like all new parents I am sleep deprived and trying to learn my baby’s way of...
by Crysal Olds | Apr 21, 2014 | Leadership Development
There have been a few posts lately discussing leadership – Leading from the front and What does it really take to be a good leader to name just a couple. The two blogs brought up interesting points – the use of personality types in leadership training can be used as...
by Crysal Olds | Mar 1, 2013 | Leadership Development
The last leadership role I held was within a large New Zealand business. The appointment process into the role was handled with speed rather than care, and left me confused about what this business required from me. One skill I knew they required was the ability to...