Sugar, oh honey honey

Sugar, oh honey honey

  So, sugar, like for many, has been my crutch, my celebration, my friend and my foe. Now I’ve seen the movies that say that sugar is in most of the food that we buy from the supermarket shelves and that it became so because fat was the world’s number one enemy...
Feeding the wolf

Feeding the wolf

  An old Cherokee Indian chief was teaching his grandson about life. “A fight is going on inside me,” he told the young boy, “a fight between two wolves. One is evil, full of anger, sorrow, regret, greed, self-pity and false pride. The other is good, full of joy,...
AIA: Aptitude for Acceptance

AIA: Aptitude for Acceptance

  Day one and where do we start you ask?   “The first step toward change is awareness. The second step is acceptance.” Nathaniel Branden   Well a good place to start is figuring out where you currently stand. So how accepting are you? Lets take a quick...
AIA: Aptitude for Acceptance

One Months Challenge: Accept in August

What are your thoughts on acceptance? Most people feel that acceptance is resignation. This doesn’t have to be so. In 2014 a study by the University of Hertfordshire stated that “self-acceptance could be the key to a happier life, yet it’s the happy habit...
What do your feet have to do with mindfulness?

What do your feet have to do with mindfulness?

  What do your feet have to do with mindfulness?   “The foot feels the foot when it feels the ground” Gautama Buddha   How often do you walk around bare foot? I have worn shoes for the majority of my life, even inside the house. It is only in my latter...
Being in the Moment

Being in the Moment

How often are you ‘in the moment’? Not thinking of the future or the past, but in the here and now. And what do you give up in the present, when you change your focus to the future or the past?   The other day I was getting my 18 month old daughter and myself...
Surrender to success

Surrender to success

Have you ever felt like you are hitting your head against a brick wall? It could be because you are trying to control the outcome. I am new to motherhood and learning the art of parenthood. Like all new parents I am sleep deprived and trying to learn my baby’s way of...
A self-aware leader?

A self-aware leader?

There have been a few posts lately discussing leadership – Leading from the front and What does it really take to be a good leader to name just a couple. The two blogs brought up interesting points – the use of personality types in leadership training can be used as...
Hiring a leader

Hiring a leader

The last leadership role I held was within a large New Zealand business. The appointment process into the role was handled with speed rather than care, and left me confused about what this business required from me. One skill I knew they required was the ability to...